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Leerplan voor Anglicaans godsdienstonderwijs

Syllabus for ARE

Anglican RE works according to a set syllabus (leerplan). In addition to the syllabus the different denominations and non-confessional moral education have signed a joint declaration to teach a set of competencies in concert. Each year between one and  six hours of lessons will be devoted to these competencies with the aim of dialogue across the religious faiths. 



Leerplan Anglicaans godsdienstonderwijs voor het lager en secondair onderwijs

Syllabus for Anglican Religious Education voor primary and secondary school levels


learning outcomes & competenties

In 2015 we celebrated the centenary of Edith Louisa Cavell (1865-1915). nurse and director of the first training school for nurses in Brussels. Inspired by her faith, she is recognised for her pioneering work and help during WWI


The Belgian Edith Cavell Commemoration Group (BECCG) has put together education material for schools in French and Dutch language.


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